ACE Report

Your fireteam leader might request an ACE report, which in turn might have been requested from the Squad Leader or the Platoon Commander. ACE stands for: (A) Ammo, (C) Casualties, (E) Equipment. The general intent of an ace report is to communicate your individual status. The fireteam leader will then pass the condensed version up the chain.

Components of an ACE report

Ammunition - Amount of primary ammunition left. When you collect this from your fireteam, they should send it up to you as a color. Green means that you have plenty of ammunition remaining, Yellow means that they have expended roughly half of their initial load, but are still capable of continuing mission, and Red means that they are dangerously close to running out of ammunition (2 magazines or less) and are unable to continue the mission effectively.

Casualty - Casualties sustained. Green means that your soldiers have sustained no injuries, Yellow means they are in need of first aid and Red signifies a soldier is down.

Equipment - Any equipment expended/lost. If there is no change, report up as green. If any equipment was expended, report up the type and number of equipment that you have left, eg. 1 AT rocket fired, 2 rockets left. Or; “running low on smoke grenades”.


Take note that AT rounds, smoke grenades, regular grenades or grenadier grenades are part of the equipment category.

Tips for the fireteam members

  • At the start of the mission, take note of the total clips of ammo you have so you know when you are yellow status.
  • Try to report back to your fireteam leader in the order you are listed on the roster for that evening, so that you don’t all reply at once. Or figure out a system with your FTL.

Tips for fireteam leaders

  • Try to collect ACE reports as soon as enemy contact is complete and there is a lull in the action. You, as a teamleader, need to take the initiative and call on your team to send up a ACE report to you without prompting from the squadleader. This way, once the SL has dealt with his own responsibilities (informing higher of contact, etc) and calls on you for an ACE report, you can deliver it without any delay. Always deliver reports in order, so if you are Bravo team, wait for Alpha to send up their ACE report.
  • You will not always function with players that are familiar with ACE reports, so try to make sure at the start of the game when we are getting ready that everyone is on the same page.
  • Part of being a teamleader is affecting change at the lowest level. If one teamleader in a squad sends up an ACE report, he prompts the other TL to send one up as well, not to mention reminding the SL to send a squad ACE report to the platoon leader. This will likely lead to the PL asking all squads to send an ACE report up. The actions of that one teamleader have just affected the entire platoon, and the leader now has an accurate picture of the condition of his troops, improving his decision making capabilities and increasing his odds of success in continuing operations.