Rules of Engagement

In a typical ArmaFriday game, we coordinate two fireteams or more towards common objectives. Something that becomes immediately transparant is the need for fire dicipline and nomenclature everyone understands. The “ROE” Rules of Engagement is a prime example of this. The real life military uses a variety of ROE’s for different situations, but at ArmaFriday we use only the following:

Universal Rules of Engagement

These rules of engagement apply unless told otherwise:

  • You can always act to defend yourself and other players
  • You may always return fire when fired upon
  • If the sitation permits, always ask for clearance to engage

Weapons “Hold”

This could also be referred to as “Go Quiet” or “Stealth Mode”. Here our intention is to refrain from engaging in firefights. We are focussed primarily on maneuvering quietly or efficiently.

  • You should only return fire if the threat is imminent: if the enemy is at 500 meters and their fire is ineffective, refrain from getting bogged down in a firefight and focus on maneuvering out of harms way or towards the objective.
  • If the enemy’s fire is effective, achieve fire superiority first and then return to weapons hold mode.
  • Focus on stealth and conceilment: be concious about how visible you are to the enemy.

Weapons “Tight”

Most commonly called when multiple fireteams are in an urban setting and in a situation where they might mistake one another for the enemy.

  • It is critical you identify your target as an enemy, and a threat.
  • Even if an enemy is identified, make sure they are not surrendering.

Weapons “Free”

Most commonly called when things are about to, or have heated up. Generally the universal “ROE” applies but:

  • You are free to open fire on everything you have reason to believe is an enemy threat